The Advantages of Business Coaching for your Business

BusinessLife Global is a paradigm shift in traditional business coaching.

The concept of business coaching is becoming more widely accepted and understood. Individuals are finding success working one-on-one or in small groups with coaches who have experience, training, and resources. Business coaching is becoming more and more common for executives, business owners, and anyone looking to develop personally and professionally.

BusinessLife enhances this idea of business coaching by making it more accessible and efficient. BusinessLife coaching is a methodology for business owners and executives, designed to support adoption into new markets. BusinessLife coaching provides insight, feedback, and resources to clients one-on-one to ensure complementary growth. However, one-on-one or client-based coaching isn’t necessary in order to be involved in the BusinessLife way of instruction.

The BusinessLife team is focused on education and resources, first and foremost.

Our Digital Library is the BusinessLife ultimate tool for business owners to find coaching methods, tactics, and strategies that help BusinessLife clients.

The purpose of the Digital Library is to equip you with the tools necessary to be successful. It gives you the information, so you can choose how to implement BusinessLife for you and your company.

Ask yourself:

  • Does this matter to you?
  • Why is it important to work with a coach in your business?
  • What could a coach help you accomplish that you might be struggling with on your own?
  • Is coaching going to be valuable for you in a more intimate setting?

This article will help you figure out if business coaching is right for you and your future business development. Below we’ll go through why not business coaching is effective, the structured nature of coaching, and the applicable results of BusinessLife by Marcus Coaching.

Why Business Coaching Works

Business coaching works because it puts the emphasis on the client. While other forms of consulting might “give” you the answers, a coach gives you the tools to reach those answers yourself. The individual is at the crux of growth. Coaching believes that the client must forge his or her own path to get to the appropriate end.

In this way, the client sets the pace and determines the outcome. The coach is there to provide support, structure, focus, and accountability. The coach is there to steer you in the right direction, but it’s up to you to get yourself to the final destination. Your coach is your GPS, but you’re the driver.

Coaching becomes a partnership and relationship between coach and client. This association often begins with some sort of “intake” session, which involves exploring the client on a broader basis. This can include assessments, questionnaires, and discussions that take a deep dive into the client’s objectives and reasons for coaching.

Why are you entering into this partnership?

Once the relationship has begun, the coach can better understand the focus and goals of the client. Goals should be chosen in alignment with values, desires, needs, and personal mission. When your personal objectives are aligned with your personal ideals, you see results more quickly. Aligned development is the purpose of Executive Coaching.

A coach can also help you brainstorm new ideas. They can help you find your position within the world. They can hold you accountable for your actions and goals. And they can guide you along the process by providing unique insight, advice, and resources. They give you the tools to success without achieving the success for you.

There are different forms of coaching that work in different ways, for different individuals, in different industries. This could be an external versus an internal coach, a manager or mentor, or a one-on-one coach versus a remote class coach. We will explore these distinctions in the future, but it is important to note that different businesses call for different coaching opportunities.   

No matter the type, the purpose of business coaching is often the same: to get the client to reach a new objective using a path not previously examined. This is done by clarifying the vision, defining values, setting goals and objectives, and creating a plan towards success.

Your coach would offer a fresh perspective outside of your traditional realm. This can help you see new ideas, new strategies, and new resources—all with the end goal of innovative and exciting growth.  

About Structured Coaching

Coaching conversations are primarily driven by questions.

Business coaches balance the discussion. It is not training or consulting, and it is not preaching or telling you what to do. It’s asking leading questions for the client to consider and reflect upon. This is why the Marcus Coaching Digital Library has become such an emphasis for BusinessLife; it provides clients and potential clients with thought-provoking pieces and questions to consider in their own development.

There are four key steps to structured coaching: goals, check-ins, options, and utilization.


Define what you want. A coach can help you best understand your goals by first understanding your true values in your personal and professional life. Generally, questions are the way to properly define goals and set objectives.

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What will be different when you achieve it? How will you be in a better place?  
  • What is truly important for you in achieving that goal?

Achieving goals is arguably the only way to attain personal success. Targets help you define different measures of success, and it is only by reaching these goals that you can continuously grow and develop towards new milestones.


Coaches give you the opportunity to explore yourself and your current situation. They give you a “reality check” and ask you to see yourself where you are. While goals look towards the future, check-ins look at your present and your past; it is analyzing who you have become. Coaches will ask questions that help you understand your professional trajectory based on your present position.

  • Where are you right now? What are we up to?
  • Who is involved? How are they involved in your present state?
  • What have been your results? How did you get to this point?
  • What do you think could happen in the future?

These check-ins are crucial to not only ensure you’re on the right path but also to make sure you’re doing well today. You don’t want to burn out, or be exhausted or overworked. You want to make sure that you are expending the right amount of energy on the right things that will keep you moving forward.


Once you have your general goals in mind and you’ve done a reflection or check in, it’s time to open up your world a little bit further. A coach can present you with new ideas for reaching your objectives by asking questions that bring you to further self-discovery.

  • What might your potential goals be? How can you use your current objectives to create SMART goals?
  • How can you utilize your current situation in the future?
  • What could you do today that would change your projected goals?
  • What ideas can you come up with simply by knowing what you already know?
  • Where could you be?

Most importantly, these options help you realize something you long to do. Is there something you haven’t tried or haven’t done that you want to—even if it’s hidden away in your mind? Are you happy where you are? What other options would make you happier?


You know where you are and where you want to be, so the next step is to create a plan. A coach will lead you in the right direction to utilizing the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your plans. The intention is to find areas of awareness and responsibility.

  • Who is going to help you with your short-term and long term goals? Who will be involved?
  • What are your goals versus your objectives? What do your present and future statuses look like?
  • When will you achieve your targets? When will you see results?
  • Where do these goals exist?
  • Why do these goals exist? Why will they be useful to you?
  • How can you ensure they are continuously useful going forward? How will you use them to your advantage?

This is about taking your goals and utilizing them in a tangible way.

The coach’s job is to help you find ideas and actualize them. A coach can give you the tools to make your ideas a reality.

Create the plan. Then implement it.

The Results of BusinessLife By Marcus Coaching

BusinessLife is a unique coaching strategy that uses these conversations towards a new type of enlightenment. With your coach, you create an alliance for the purpose of identifying what you want in your own BusinessLife. This becomes an intermingling of your personal and professional values towards your overall BusinessLife objectives.

Your coach will provide opportunities to communicate and delve deeper. You will review plans and ideas together. You will become partners in growth.

Whether you already have a specific goal to accomplish in coaching or you are starting from scratch, your coach will help you find ways to define your personal success. Your coach may brainstorm solutions with you, and help you create a plan. But you are still responsible for the action. Only you can take yourself to the next level. Your coach likely has knowledge and experience to share with you, but he will not tell you what to do. You are in charge.

A Marcus Coaching coach supports you along the way as you reach towards your goals.

Most clients find such benefits with BusinessLife coaching that they continue on after their initial goals have been accomplished. They continue to explore new avenues with their coach to ensure they are always on the right track, headed towards new and exciting destinations through innovative pathways.

It’s not uncommon to have a coaching relationship that lasts two or more years. The longer the relationship, the greater the success. It is our goal to help you achieve your goals both in the short-term and the long-term. We love being there with you to watch you see them through all the way.

Coaching Benefits Bottom Line

Ask yourself:

  • Have you ever been coached?
  • What kind of coaching did you receive? Who was your coach?
  • What results did you see? What goals did you achieve?
  • What kind of results would you like to see in the future? How can you achieve these objectives and goals?
  • Who do you want on your side as you reach these achievements? Who will be most useful “on your team”?

Business coaching will help you analyze your current situation in terms of your desired state in the future. How do your personal and professional values intersect? Where can your goals and objectives fit in with this vision of your life?

It’s your business life. BusinessLife coaches help you find the easiest, simplest, and most effective route to living the personal and professional life you’ve always wanted.

It’s time to learn more about what Marcus Coaching can do for you. Comment below, give us a call, or contact us here. It’s never too late to find the perfect coach to help you strive towards your goals. Achievement is in sight with the right tools, resources, and partner.

As we continue to add to our Digital Library, what kinds of articles would you like to see? What would be most beneficial to you? Let us know your opinions and inputs in the comments.

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I’ll be offering a free coaching call to you during this time. Let’s evaluate the next steps together.

Please take a few moments of your precious time to consider what I ask of you, so that, together we can bring our personal best, and with that, bring forward your great endeavor and fulfill your personal dreams.